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TDAClient is the main struct that lets you build requests to TDAmeritrade’s API

See TD Ameritrade API for API documentation

Create TDAClient with a valid Access Token - see TD Ameritrade API for info on creating token

Response output can be kept in text which comes out as JSON text or converted to a serde_json::Value object

Client request functions

Use the relevant API endpoint with request::Endpoint and query parameters param. When no query parameters are necessary use param::Empty.

See TDAClient for each of the request functions: get, post, put, patch, and delete.

Model module

Model module contains response types that can be parsed from the JSON responses. This is a work in progress and still in development.

I tried using TD Ameritrade Schema’s that were located on their developer site, however, they don’t always match or there is additional data available. Therefore, I’m creating these response type’s manually - experimenting a bit. Would be much more useful if there was a way to code generate the types that match each response. Its your option if you want to use them, or stick with json or define your own response types.

Auth module

Auth module can be used separately to renew tokens or to construct a weblink to grab an authroization code. See instructions in module. Also works with the managed client TDAClientAuth.

Basic Client

Using tdameritradeclient::TDAClient will require a valid token. Token management will need to be managed by the user with tools in the auth module.

Managed Client

Using tdameritradeclient::TDAClientAuth will require a valid refresh token and client id. Token management can be managed by this client. TDAClientAuth is a wrapper around TDAClient but includes authorization information. You can access an updated client and make all the same requests as TDAClient.


For the example to work you will need to set environmental variables for passing a token.

use std::env;
use tdameritradeclient::{TDAClient, Endpoint, param};

// Will need to set TDAUTHTOKEN as environmental variable containing a valid token

//set token from environment variables
let token = env::var("TDAUTHTOKEN").unwrap();

// initiate client
let c = TDAClient::new(token);

// get quotes for 3 symbols and execute
let resptxt: String = c.get(&Endpoint::Quotes, &[param::Quotes::Symbol("F,INTC,TRP")]).unwrap();

// output will be text string in json format
println!("{:?}", resptxt);


pub use request::Endpoint;


utility module to help with authorization token, refresh token and grant code

Rolled up Errors for TDAClient

models that define types to parse json response or value responses from API

holds all the available query parameters used with the endpoints

holds all the relevant API endpoints


Main client to access TD Ameritrade endpoints

Wrapper around TDAClient that handles managing the authorization token